Outcome: Heavy metals if not checked could lead to major health problems like tooth discoloration, low mental development and kidney problems on the public.
Description: Now a days, the world attention is mainly focused on the depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer and environmental pollution By organizing world health day, earth day etc, more serious problem of pollution of water resources is literally brewing under our feet.
Heavy metal pollution is a problem associated with areas of intensive industry, road ways, areas of dumpsites and automobiles. Usage and their un controlled discharge in to the environment has caused last of hazards to man, other organisms and the environment itself. Over last three decades there has been increasing global Concern over the public health impacts attributed to environmental pollution, in particular, the global burden of disease. Improper management of solid waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution and degradation in many cities , especially in developing countries many of these cites lack solid most regulations and proper disposal facilities, including for harmful waste. In high Dosages, these heavy metals are highly toxic to human, even deadly. The study was therefore aimed at evaluating the implication of Heavy metals on the groundwater surrounding a Siris to Saroor nagar Chemical waste. Different literatures dealt with heavy metals contamination on ground water were assessed. Contamination assessment revealed heavy metals to be extremely contaminated in the Groundwater. Heavy metals are found to be from anthropogenic source and correlated significantly with each other. Thus, Heavy metals if not checked could lead to major health problems like tooth discoloration, low mental development and kidney problems on the public.