Outcome: Rubber tires stuffed with plastic bottles with increased buoyancy which simultaneously can carry out breakwater action and harness tidal or wave energy which is eco friendly and economical.
Description: The main objective of our project is to find a more economical methodology for generating power from tides by using the concept of buoyancy and spring action. Floats made of rubber tires are attached to a fixed platform made of piezoelectric material by springs on the sea bed via legs.The oscillatory motion of waves cause up and down movement of the floats and spring action. The pressure difference is utilized by piezoelectrics to generate and store electricity. In the offshore, where permanent breakwaters are uneconomical for construction floating breakwaters made of rubber, plastic etc are used.The project intends to carry out breakwater action also. The floats of Rubber tires are stacked and placed such that they can carry out the action of floating breakwaters and generate electricity simultaneously.