Outcome: Improved thermal efficiency and brake power
Description: S.A.C.T.ENGINE is a clever combination of very old ideas and techniques in thermodynamics to boost the performance and efficiency of an ordinary four stroke engine. By considering the fact that we cannot convert all the heat input into useful work in an engine, finding a new way to increase the utilization of heat input or reducing the wastage of heat through exhaust gas is the work. The maximum thermal efficiency of a gasoline engine is always less than 40-50%. That is the remaining 60% of energy is lost. This wastage is in the form of exhaust heat and unburned fuel. If we can reuse this waste energy, it could probably boost the thermal efficiency of engine. The S.A.C.T.ENGINE can be considered as an integration of I.C. engine and steam engine, the exhaust heat provides energy for the steam engine and steam engine back-ups our I.C. engine and both are cleverly integrated to work in synchronization.